Oracle Applications : 11.5.5
此方式無論是在Oracle EBS 任何版本或是Oracle Developer 6 以上的版本皆可開發,且系統升級時亦無影響
直接在EBS 上執行concurrent 即可跑出網頁報表,且不需使用XML
Run a concurrent program show a web report
When you change your view size on webpage
Eventhough, you print a report via IE, the webpage size will show the perfect
Small size
Using Microsoft Excel Import the HTML Report
使用Microsoft Excel 匯入報表,會保留格式
"Notice" , if you set the "Keep the format", you can keep the column style
如果你在選項裡,設定保留HTML格式, 於匯入完成,可看到欄位格式皆保留
Microsoft Excel column's color less and HTML, therefore you would like to choose a Excel color is better.
如果您的HTML內設定的顏色在Microsoft Excel 裡沒有,則Excel無法顯示